Weekend Horoscope, Friday to Sunday

- General astro influences that apply to all signs of the zodiac

On Friday, your imagination has no limits, but beware of hasty decisions. New Year's Eve will be a real rocket with stormy energies and an exciting resolution. On New Year's day shimmers loving vibrations and the winds of change will get you off the ground. Happy New Year! Read more

Artiklar skrivna av Aurora

Chinese horoscope - 2012 is the year of the Black Water Dragon

This year we are entering a very special year, it's a dragon year! And not just any dragon, 2012 is the Year of the Water Dragon. The color of the element is water and according to Chinese astrology its related to black. 2012 i commonly called The Black Water Dragon Year. The last this occured were in 1952, same year when Elizabeth II became Queen of England.
Read more about Chinese horoscope - 2012 is the year of the Black Water Dragon

Horoscope for 2012 - Year horoscope

No other year horoscope has become so renowned then for 2012, with a possible exception of the millennium horoscope. The reason is that the Mayan Indians several thousand years ago wrote about in 2012 as the end of a great era, which many interpreted as end of the world. But the fact the Maya also wrote that a new cycle was to begin, so the question is, will 2012 it really be the en of the world, or is this year just the beginning of a new era for all humanity...
Read more about Horoscope for 2012 - Year horoscope

Venus, Earths sister planet and cosmic mirror

Venus often called Earth's sister, and many probably know that their inner and also their size and density are very similar. But what's more amazing is that the planets actually are directly linked to each other and one can actually say that Venus is a cosmic mirror to our own planet.
Read more about Venus, Earths sister planet and cosmic mirror

Supernova - a dying star

Right now you can see something as rare as a supernova in the Great Bear constellation. A supernova is a dying star's final demise in a massive explosion.
Read more about Supernova - a dying star

Ophiuchus is not a new signs and zodiac signs have not changed the date

In recent months, Internet flooded with allegations of zodiac signs shifted because of a tremor in the earth's axis of rotation which would make that many have a different star sign and also have a thirteenth zodiac sign Ophiuchus launched.
Read more about Ophiuchus is not a new signs and zodiac signs have not changed the date

The moon of good and evil

The moon has always fascinated man and it is perhaps not surprising given that it controls both the ebb and flow, and it is so changeable. In some ways mirrors the course of life itself in an eternal cycle of birth and death. That, in many religions is female is not difficult to understand because it is the woman who carries on life in her womb, which is clearly reflected in the symbolism of the moon's phases.
Read more about The moon of good and evil

Planetary impact on our lives and surroundings

In astrology the planets represent different cosmic forces. Planetary influence varies in time depending on their relationship and their position in the zodiac.
Read more about Planetary impact on our lives and surroundings

Zodiac Love Match - match you and your date!

Want to know how you fit in with other star signs? Will you and your date agreed and there is no future for you as a couple and how would a date be right now?
Course it's all free!

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