The Draconids Meteor lights up the sky at night
Every year around this time sailed past the remnants of the comet Giacobini-Zinner. Thousands of stones that the comet lost when burning up in Earth's atmosphere, which under the right conditions can be seen in the form of a fantastic fireworks display. This year it takes place tonight, Saturday 8 / 10 around 23 o'clock.

Meteor showers are in first place on NAKs top 10 list of astronomical sights 2011th Best position to be able to see celestial phenomenon is to get away from the big city to the countryside. Keep your fingers crossed for the clouds and look towards the north near the constellation Dragon. There, somewhere in the 23 o'clock tonight should celestial phenomena appear. But stay tuned, the play goes quickly.
Giacobini-Zinners comet (21P/Giacobini-Zinner) is a comet that was observed for the first time in the constellation Aquarius, December 20, 1900 by French astronomer Michel Giacobini at the Observatory of Nice. When the comet would return in 1907 was the observation conditions so bad that no observations could be made. The next periheliepassagen expected 1914th But the rediscovered already October 23, 1913, six months earlier than expected by the German astronomer Ernst Zinner at Bamberg where he studied variable stars in the constellation of the shield near the celestial equator.
Source: Wikipedia
Article by Fredrik Varg