End of the world, the 21th of december 2012?
Why do the authorities seems in such a hurry to find life on other planets? We are literally fed with new reports that NASA and other institutions now found another planet in space as either "might be habitable," or is very similar to our own earth so it "can be life". Is there anything that the authorities "know", but the public absolutely are not let to know? Why the rush?

1983 NASA launched the project IRAS (InfraRed Astronomical Satellite) which aims to map the entire sky in infrared wavelengths. They found almost immediately a very large object that is heading straight into our own solar system. The object is the same size as Jupiter and is called Planet X or "Nibiru" (sometimes Nemesis). It looks like that Nibiru is a form of "black star" which in itself has seven planets around them, five smaller, one-sixth the size of the earth and finally a seventh. It is a bit interesting coincidence that the sixth planet in older writings often is described as "the home of the gods" (Home of Annunaki). Nemesis is on the sixth planet the punishment and retribution goddess in Greek mythology.
The 2012 is the year that the planet / star Nibiru will begin to cross our own solar system. The path Nibiru sailing after is cutting our own solar system between Earth and our sun with a cycle of 5125 years. The sailing in our solar system will last for two years. This phenomenon is very much real, and we have long even been able to see Nibiru from Earth with the naked eye. In May 2011, for example, Nibiru could be seen from Earth as a "second sun" at about the same size as our moon.
Mayans predicted the end of the world for several thousand years ago. Their sacred calendar, "The Tzolkin", shows that the year 2012 is the end point of the "great cycle". The Great Cycle began, which translated into our calendar is August 11th 3114 years before Christ. On 21 th december 2012, the The end of the cycle, a little over 5125 years later. In fact, even our own Bible indicates end of the world in 2012 with pictures / writings all suggest that this year is of great significance. Here is an excerpt from the Bible and the Book of Revelation:
Revelation 20:12:
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.
There are also indications that the mythical city of Atlantis sank for just 5125 years ago and it was just then that Noah's Ark was launched.
Nostradamus also said:
"A large object is moving towards the our planet, it will reach us in 2012 ... but not hit!"
... and Albert Enstein warned of a major shift in our poles that will have terrible consequences. We all know that the tides are affected by the Earth's moon, but to achieve a "big shift in our poles" requires that a huge celestial body comes close enough to Earth.
So what will happen on 21th december 2012 when Nibiru sail past our solar system somewhere between our Sun and the Earth? Will we need a new Noah's ark? Or is there any other city that "sinks"?
Calculations show that Nibiru is large enough to create a shift in our poles and will probably do just that. Some estimates even show that the earth will stop rotating completely for a few days in February 2013. Our entire existence is based upon the earth rotates on its axis and if this rotation is somehow disturbed, we are literally flooded by natural disasters. Everything from earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsumanis will sweep the earth. No place on earth will be safe against these tremendous forces if when the earth reshapes its position and rotation axis.
When Nibiru completely passed our solar system in July 2014 begins the next "big cykle" (to use Mayan terminology). Now maybe it's completely different conditions prevailing on earth, it may no longer be freezing temperatures in Antarctica since the shift in the poles have put the Antarctica in the tropics. South Pacific may have instead been frozen and become the new South Pole? New sea has formed, others have been destroyed. New Mountain has emerged, others have declined and disappeared. Whole Earth's natural resources have been reallocated. Earth has been "born again" and the life that is left needs to re-adjust to the new eco system. Something that happens every 5125 th year.
What do you (now) think actually happened when the dinosaurs disappeared? And what will be the effect when Nibiru sail past our planet this time?
Article by Fredrik Varg