Life in another dimension
Are there more dimensions than the one we live in? The question touches the boundary between what many call hocus-pocus, and other pure science. The fact is that even Albert Einstein was on the theory that there are at least a parallel universe that we humans do not perceive, at least not all ... And in many religions is written much about what comes "after life".

Psychics and paranormal researchers have long been sure of his ground. Other dimensions exist and there is ample evidence of this. Not familiar choose just to not see the facts. The evidence is often about photographs or other indications that something else is present in a house. In short, it's haunted!
phrase "the Ghosts" is probably part of the problem that makes many people choose to believe in the phenomenon as a mere joke. To "haunt" is to play one a trick, that it is not real. But if we briefly forget our own values by word and look at the facts, you quickly realize that it can actually be slightly behind the word, a dimension of the word that many of us do not understand quite easily.
There are plenty of places in the world of paranormal context called "doorways" and portals to other dimensions. Controlled studies have shown that there are real differences in eg temperature, magnetism and air pressure around these portals. Differences which can not be explained by environmental variations or the like. Many people have strong feelings on these portals. It may be cold chills, strong mood changes such boundless joy and immense sorrow. P>
There are innumerable "picture proof" in the form of unexplained shooting at everything from fog, sphere shapes, lines or figures from these portals. Many of these photographs were analyzed by independent experts failed to find any evidence of manipulation of the images either before or after the photograph was taken.
But ... These are the photographs picture proof that there are "ghosts" for real, or is it "easy" this is about some places for some reason has openings to other dimensions and what some feel is actually the life of this / these dimensions, just as we live in our
A scientific article entitled "universe invisible dimensions" of 2000 states that within 10 years will have concrete scientific evidence that other dimensions really exist. Now it's 2011, and even scientists who are not directly connected with paranormal investigations have begun to ponder ... See this video from the BBC.
What do you think, this is the astronomy ... or pure hocus-pocus?
Article by Fredrik Varg