NASA satellite crashes to earth, crashes probably in Sweden!
The U.S. space agency NASA will take a research satellite into disuse. It is expected to crash to Earth within the next few days (end of September 2011). According to the latest estimates, it is likely that it crashes somewhere in Västra Götaland in Sweden.

Satellite "UARS" the U.S. put into space in 1991 weighing 6.5 tons is about the size of a bus. However, it is not as serious as it sounds. Puhhhh. Most likely is that the satellite mostly burns up in the atmosphere and only very small and few parts actually reach the earth. The chance that any man hit by FALLEN part is so small that one in 3200 ... but it is
past, NASA has issued this statement:
- We know that it strikes down somewhere between the 57th north parallel and the 57th South, which unfortunately covers most of the populated part of the Earth, says NASA scientist Mark Matney. em>
The latest estimates show more precisely that the satellite is likely to hit just Sweden and more specifically, SWE. And, now, over the weekend September 24 to 25:
In theory, the majority of the population in Sweden to see the crash as a spectacular shooting stars, but it obviously depends on weather conditions.
My recommendation is therefore to look out:)
There is also a Youtube video what the satellite was intended in their lifetime.
Article by Fredrik Varg