Ophiuchus is not a new signs and zodiac signs have not changed the date
In recent months, Internet flooded with allegations of zodiac signs shifted because of a tremor in the earth's axis of rotation which would make that many have a different star sign and also have a thirteenth zodiac sign Ophiuchus launched.

The theory presented by astronomer Paul Kunkle from the Minnesota Planetarium Society, and according to him, so should the whole astro calendar changed about a month because when astrologers say that the sun is in the sign Pisces, it does not in reality. This is because the moon's attraction has caused a shift in the constellations in the sky and then reasonably also zodiakiens characters, he also argues that one should take with a thirteenth zodiac sign Ophiuchus.
It is indeed true that the real sky does not remain in the same place but this is nothing new, and astrologers have known about this since about 130 BC What is important to understand here is that the tropical zodiac by astrologers in the West are not geocentric, but it is instead determined by the seasons (however, it affects the displacement of the side lateral zodiac used in oriental astrology, it follows the actual stellar constellations in the sky and also the annual displacement of these)
What you do in the tropical zodiac is that it focuses on the band of the sky as the sun appears to pass on their circular path across the sky, this path is called the ecliptic, and it has been since divided into twelve constellations, all of which are assigned 30 ° of the circle 360 degrees (in fact vary the magnitude of the constellations between about 21 ° and 43 ° per character). In other words, is thus the zodiac circle, a purely theoretical construction which allows the zodiac signs are symbolic and do not coincide with the constellations in the sky with the same name.
It is short, conditions and aspects of this proposed circular as well as the seasons that determine our horoscopes and not constellations existing location in the sky. The different zodiac signs have thus assigned their properties based on the seasons and the sun's path. Then the dates given vary somewhat from year to year depending on leap year and the sun once, but that's that case only a few days that distinguish between character spoils. But you should always start from the year you were born in terms of which star sign you are and not what the date range for this year.
In the case of Ophiuchus and whether this constellation to be a star sign or not, this has been discussed for thousands of years. From the very beginning during the Babylonian period was Ophiuchus with a zodiac sign as the ecliptic, indeed, cut across this constellation, the constellation is behind the sun between 29 November and 17 December. However, dropped quite early in history (about 200 years e.kr) to suit your diary and our counting system, which is divided at 60 and 12, this system also forms the basis for the clock which is divided in 60 minutes in an hour and 2x12 hours per day. It was felt that one could do so because the sun hardly touches this constellation on its path through the ecliptic.
Ophiuchus the zodiac sign or not is one of the most contentious issues in modern astrology and it is the astrologers who believe that we should reintroduce Ophiuchus as a zodiac sign. The astrological history Dr Shepherd Simpson argues that Ophiuchus can not be ignored as it actually exists and is a Sun sign, which can be calculated in relation to the moon and planets in the same way as the other characters.
Below is a table with our real astronomical calendar under the tropical zodiac, as well as the Minnesota Planetarium Society with Kunkle at the head developed:
Astro Calendar under the "ordinary" tropical zodiac | Astro Calendar under Minnesota Planetarium Society | |
Aries: 21 / 3 - 19 / 4 Taurus: 20 / 4 - 20 / 5 Gemini: 21 / 5 - 21 / 6 Cancer: 22 / 6 - 22 / 7 Leo: 23 / 7 - 22 / 8 Virgo: 23 / 8 - 22 / 9 Libra: 23 / 9 - 22/10 Scorpio: 23/10 - 21/11 Sagittarius: 22/11 - 21/12 Capricorn: 22/12 - 19 / 1 Aquarius: 20 / 1 - 18 / 2 Pisces: 19 / 2 - 20 / 3 |
Pisces: 11 / 3 - 17 / 4 Aries: 18 / 4 - 12 / 5 Taurus: 13/5- 20 / 6 Gemini: 21 / 6 - 19 / 7 Cancer: 20 / 7 - 9 / 8 Leo: 10 / 8 - 15 / 9 Virgo: 16 / 9 - 29/10 Libra: 30/10 - 22/11 Scorpio: 23/11 - 28/11 Ophiuchus: 29/11 - 16/12 em> Sagittarius: 17/12 - 19 / 1 Capricorn: 20 / 1 - 15 / 2 Aquarius: 16 / 2 - 10 / 3
| |
Article by Aurora