A person born 19 February 1990 has the zodiac sign Pisces
From 19/2 to 20/3.
Pisces is imaginative, sensitive and highly susceptible to impressions, which means that the Pisces has a deep understanding and compassion for their fellow human beings. Many Pisces are therefore also in höggrad susceptible as a medium. Pisces is a very good listener and by their ability to gain an understanding of other people's feelings can Pisces get the most troubled human being to feel better just by listening. Pisces are attracted to most characters, but only fit together with a few. The Pisces is incredible sensitive and vulnerable, which means that they can sometimes hide their true feelings and play a role that they believe that the environment would like to see or that they pull away and seems to distance itself, simply because they can experience other people's feelings and problems their own which can be a disaster for the delicate Pisces.
The Pisces may seem confused and fall into a state of disarray. But somehow tend to their irrational manner still get things resolved yet. The Pisces has a strong creative flair and they can reach very far if they find their proper field.
However, the Pisces works best when they work alone and group work is usually not the right song for Pisces, the Pisces simply can not so much impressed by the need to weed with too many cooks in the same project. Other hand, fits the Pisces excellent, but to help others, animals or humans, or to create, dance and build bilateral world. Creativity is how many times as pure therapy for the Pisces and few have such an ability to write lyrical texts as Pisces.
Pisces fit through their adaptability and ability to play roles also excellent as an actor, just the Pisces comes over his natural shyness that many of the characters suffer from. This means, unfortunately, even the Pisces is a very skilled liar, but most of them lies a fish poets together are white, peering more closely at them, they are usually designed to heat rather than to deceive.
The Pisces is a true romantics who like to show their partner love and appreciation. The Pisces are faithful and loyal, but their desire to live in a love relationship can sometimes do because they see flaws or faults in their partner. This can lead to many tears for the Pisces and crushed hopes, but when the Pisces have recovered the remains persistently searching for true love.
Appropriate career choice: Anything that has the artistry to make, for example. Artists, dancers, poets, actors, or where intuition can be used as such. medium. Even professions suitable for such veterinarian or nurse.
Sensitive body parts: feet
Good qualities
Compassionate and protective
Imaginative and sensitivity
Unselfish, and understanding
Deep and philosophical to the facility
Very romantic and loving
Intuitive and responsive
Less good qualities
Indeterminate, bordering on indifference
May seem vague and secretive
Sometimes weak and easily led
Tendency to live in a dream world
low self-esteem
Easily become confused