A person born 26 April 1991 has the zodiac sign Taurus
From 20/4 to 21/5.
Taurus is earthy and home is the ox castle. It can almost be said that the Taurus is the most typical earth sign. Taurus loves anything that is beautiful and pleasurable, such as good food and drink, art and music, flowers, scents, erotic, comfort and beauty in all its forms. They place great emphasis on the material and tenderly cares for her beautiful things, like the home's safe haven.
Taurus are practical, realistic, calm and methodical, they work hard and with great endurance. They are principled, stubborn, stable and self-conscious but do not like to take risks but are generally satisfied that it is. His mood is calm and balanced provided that Taurus does not become sufficiently annoyed of course. Then they get really angry and they are rather long take, so it takes time before they miss a injustices. Basically, however, Taurus tolerant and reliable and they always try to see the good sides of their friends.
Taurus love to relax in a comfortable environment but are almost always a special closeness and longing for everything related to nature to do sowing, harvesting and gardening, even if they live in the middle of a city.
With its delicate, earthy personality is often oxen aestheticians term exists, and creative. The loving Taurus is faithful to their partner and are protective and affectionate if a little jealous. They dislike change, especially those that are enforced, and they can be quite conservative and moralistic.
Appropriate career choice: Anything related to nature or artistry to make, as musicians, architects, art dealers, florists, farmers, and self-
Sensitive body part: neck.
Good qualities
Affectionate and calm
Skilled in business
Patient and reliable
Is sensual and sexy
Sets are always up
Less good qualities
Power Lovers
Is jealous and possessive partner
Can be a bore
Stubborn and unyielding in opinions
Self-indulgent and greedy
Lazy and comfortable
Can be terribly angry